Thursday, April 12, 2012

[ANet] Mr. Sparkles, A Tale of the Asura

[:1]With a sparkling new blog post, Jeff Grubb tells the take of Mr. Sparkes.


The human made soft, bubbly noises and Flummox sighed, then stomped around him and headed for the jotun.|||A cute yet disturbing look into the psyche of an Asura.

I like the Sylvari assistant|||Brilliant story. Cements my deep love for these guys. They're a subterranean version of Tyrion Lannister.|||Quote:

Sareb returned the smile. “A small deception for the greater good,” he said. “You should try it sometime.”

Oh Sylvari, you so crazy~|||Quote:

Brilliant story. Cements my deep love for these guys. They're a subterranean version of Tyrion Lannister.

Wrote the same in the Races forum.|||Nice story. I do like the sylvari.

One thing I don't like though (what, not fanboy enough?) is that in order to make the asura appear smart, they dumb down the others around (thankfully, they spared the sylvari).

Like that human not understanding that the asura bought them time, duh. Even the jotun was smarter than that human (despite getting fooled by that ruse). I mean, I get the jotun getting fooled, but the human's line should have been "clever asura, buying us time to hatch a plan", to which the asura would have replied "no need, I already have a plan".

Still, pretty good story overall, aside from my rant.|||Quote:

Nice story. I do like the sylvari.

Agreed. The emphasis has been a lot on the "curious like a child" trait of the Sylvari. This time it is more on the "learned new things and put them to use" trait.

I liked the beginning as well:


�Flummox, are you awake?� said Sareb.

�Do I look awake?� said the asura, popping open one eye.

The male sylvari watched the artificer sternly, as if suspecting a trap. At last he nodded. �Yes.�|||Quote:

Brilliant story. Cements my deep love for these guys. They're a subterranean version of Tyrion Lannister.

You know, when I was reading the story, I heard the voice of Tyrion for the asura. The same snobby genious voice.

I really liked it. The humans being portrait as helpless beings makes them somewhat comical.|||Quote:

One thing I don't like though (what, not fanboy enough?) is that in order to make the asura appear smart, they dumb down the others around (thankfully, they spared the sylvari).

I look at it as a story told from the POV of the Asura. Maybe retold by a fellow Asura over a .. cauldron of melting metal or something. And as such, the teller will naturally exaggerate the stupidity of the humans, and include the twist of the Sylvari learning the valuable lesson of lying for its (Asuran) master.|||There is only one Mr. Sparkles!

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